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What, girls don't like Ms. Pac-Man? She's a pioneer!


Ms. Pac Man is the only game my girlfriend really likes (maybe because she grew up playing it). Katamari Damacy is one of the few current ones she's not annoyed by. The list seemed pretty reasonable to me.


Whoa whoa whoa...

This is all assuming that 1up readers have girlfriends.

I mean, have you *seen* those profiles?


In any case *everyone* likes Katamari Damacy. And where did centipede come from? Is that supposed to be Phallic or something?


Shivam talks about the article in his personal journal here


*shakes head, looks at the post again*


my ex-boyfriend started me with Max Payne, The Longest Journey, and UT23k. he make a wise decision.


Oh, c'mon... I... not so secretly like bejewelled (but only because it reminds me of every other puzzle game in existence. ;).

That is not to say I'd approve of the list. I'm sorry, but there's cutesy good, and cutesy bad. Something like Animal Crossing is just plain intiguing as a premise. Nintendogs? Oh please, a dog simulator? *barfs* Moreover, I find the whole "Top 10" anything idea as just a ludicrous way to categorize anything.

But I suppose they've got to do something to keep their *cough*marketing mine*cough* community entertained, no? ;)


Hmph. You could make that article a lot less offensive by simply substituting "non gamer" or something similar for every occurence of "girlfriend". A few of the entries would still be a bit dumb, though.

In any case, my girlfriend is currently on the way to finishing MGS3, and I'm going to preorder Nintendogs later today...

Dr. Zaius

Nintendogs looks like the shizznit! Makes me want to actually buy one of those weird-ass DS thingies....


The list is obviously missing Tetris and I'm not sure what Centipede is doing there but my historical girlfriend archives can confirm his choices of The Sims, Katamari, Ms. Pac Man and DDR.


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