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Nihilistic never made Vampire Bloodlines. They made "Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption". Troika made Bloodlines. You'd know this if ever played a game before. But I guess you hate videogames.


Kudos for the fact check, albino. I'm not sure I understand the personal attack, though.


I was joking. Sorry if you were offened.


Loved the article!

I also was underwhelmed with the final product. It looked good at E3, but in hind sight it seems that they didn't show the story mode because they knew it wouldn't wow anybody.


This article made alot of sense to me. I wouldn't say it was a bad game, so much as it is painfully mediocre. I would have prefered to see a story line based around real Marvel comic characters and not the crummy Imperfects. And fixed controls with 4 player combat ala Powerstone would have been keen as well.


Regarding the art direction -- I thought it looked a bit like the "EA house style" -- from their regular sports games to NBA Street, FIFA Street, Fight Night, NFL Street, Def Jam, there's a certain glossy "realistic" look to EA games that seems to be exactly what Marvel Nemesis is also aiming for.


Wasn't Nihilistic working on Starcraft Ghost?
I guess Blizzard knew these guys aren't the greatest team to create games and gave them the boot.


After seeing some of the matches from a Marvel Vs Capcom 2 tournament as late of 2005, I started wondering the same thing about Marvel Nemesis... It was such a stinker... What possessed marvel to move away from Capcom? How much more money could they be making from thier franchises with EA?


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